
Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Dec 31-Jan 6 AJ Wedding/Wendover Break

Dec 31st Monday - Terry woke up at 6:00 and decided he just couldn't go into work and that he wanted to spend the day trying to get the texture on the walls done today. So I got out of my nice warm bed that lies on the floor, pushed it up against the wall and away we went. We worked until about 5:00 and yes we got all the texture on the walls. The best part of the day was when my biggest brother Clint came to visit the farm and see what we have been up to the last 6 months.
We went home got dressed made some Jalapeno Poppers then went to our Garrick friends house. We did make it until midnight although I must say Matia, Treg, and I were really struggling. Kami called and asked me the infamous question of what my new years resolution was and I told her "to move into my farm house and become a farmer again" She didn't think that was a fair one. But that is how well I do with New Year Resolutions. My brother Clint would also be disappointed in that answer.
Jan 1st Tuesday - So we all slept in a little longer then normal then we headed down to the farm. Terry and I set some doors and built some closet shelves. Kami came down to work their horses and the Garricks came down to play. Adi & Emma stayed and went sledding with Bowdee and Iz while Tia and Treg stayed inside trying to warm up from a good horse riding session.
Then we came home and had our annual Fondue Feast! This year the favorite was the mozzarella sticks with Marinara Sauce in them. But this is by far the kids favorite dinner all year long. Bowdee seems to enjoy food way more then any of the other kids but they all loved it and said they will for sure carry this tradition on into their families when they are married and moved on.
Jan 2nd Wednesday - Today my sweet nephew AJ married Choryn in the SLC temple. I can't tell you how happy I am for him. He has always been such a sweet loving boy so full of happiness and joy. I love you AJ and I wish you and Choryn the very best in your marriage. It was fun going up to see them at the temple and having a luncheon at the Lion House. It was COLD VERY VERY COLD but it was so very nice and beautiful.
After AJ's sweet luncheon we all went down to show Colt and Ephia the Crazy Creek Ranch. It was still cold and very dark so they couldn't get the whole just of it. But it gave them a good idea of what we have gotten ourselves into and they were excited for us. I just love it when our family comes home and we can all be together. We at Cafe Rio after and just talked late into the night about this's and that's. Love them all!
Jan 3rd Thurs - Back to school. The kids were so very sad that their Christmas break was over and I was too. I do not like homework or the not being able to do just anything but it is part of life so we must not complain. After preschool I got to go to lunch with Ephia, Stella, Kathy, Ang, Mom and Dad. After we did a little shopping for mom and dads cruise that is coming up. It's just nice to have them near! I wish I could go out on a lunch with these ladies every week of the year. I will miss them.
Jan 4th Friday - So Terry and I are both just exhausted and we just couldn't go work in that farm house one more night without some major break. So instead we dropped the dogs off at their fav. babysitter (my mom & dads) then we loaded up the kids and headed to Wendover. You just can't beat a free room for a nice fast getaway. We grabbed dinner at Subway took it to our room and we all just relaxed and vegged in front of the T.V. I know we could have done that at home. BUT... I can't cuz there's always something to be done.
So Terry and I went out for a little dancing that night when all of a sudden my girls Tonja and Holly snuck up on us. They totally knew I was out there and came out to surprise us. We had so much fun. Poor Terry the only man with all 3 of us crazy ladies. I think he liked the attention he got. We stayed out dancing and just feeling like we were dating. It felt so nice! I love you Terry thanks for loving my friends and putting up with us.
Jan 5th Saturday - After we checked out we ventured back to the big city of Grantsville to make a birthday dinner for Terry's sweet mom and dad. We did this last year and we loved it because it was just us and them and time to chit chat like you can't when the whole family is there. Matia and Treg were the entertainment during dinner with their silly off the wall comments. Terry provided the perfectly cooked dinner of Salmon, Smoked Brisquette, corn bread, potatoes, and turtle brownies. Thank you for a perfect night.
Jan 6th Sunday - Back to the reality that we still are living in a basement sharing one room and our farmhouse where we would really like to be right now is just textured and has so much work to be done. Terry and I pried ourselves out of bed and headed back to work. We finished all the shelving in the closets. Troy and his girls and Kami came by for a quick hello which was nice to have a little distraction. I was just glad we got the closets finished.