
Monday, June 23, 2008

Terry turns 36

So Saturday was Terry's birthday, yep we are getting old he just turned 36. Crazy if you ask me. So it was all up to him what we did all day long. And just as I suspected we got on the lake at 9:00am and had a wonderful day until we pulled off the lake at 7:00pm. That is a full 10 hours of playing on the water. We even got to spend this wonderful time with Terry's oldest sister Cindy. We love Cindy to death we really cherish the time we have with her. We haven't had to much one on one because she lived out of state for so long and then with her being a newlywed we didn't want to intrude. But man it was sure nice to spend a whole day with her on the boat. Terry did a little spear carp fishing and he speared 9 of those sick fish. Matia was so proud of her daddy. You see Tia hates it when Terry kills anything. However, we have convinced her that carp are the "Bad Fish" that eat all the good fish. So she was begging her dad to go kill some more.Terry also expressed how he would just love Matia n Treg to try wakeboarding on their own for his birthday. But once he discovered how choppy it was he decided it was not a good idea. So Matia tried surfing on her belly alone for him and Treg tried wakeboarding with Terry holding him up next to the boat as I drove. This worked great and he was loving it until his board sank nose first into a huge wave. It took him under and Terry jumped in right after him. Treg stopped crying in no time and proved to be a real sport for trying it. So we said our goodbyes to Cindy and headed back to shore. Grabbed a Hot and (not so) Ready $5.00 pizza for Little Ceasers and then headed home to relax. Well we were all exhausted and not thinking clearly when Terry and I broke the garage door to the boat barn. It was really not a good way to end the day. So we put off cake and presents until Sunday. Terry woke up and started taking the garage door apart and as I have said he can fix anything. And within 3 hours he had it fixed and was feeling much better. So then we opened presents we all got him some tools we knew he would like and then a fishing pole from everyone (since obviously his last one ran out of luck). But we forgot to get him some line. So we did a little shopping, took a nice nap, then headed for Tibblefork Res. to do a little fishing. It was crowded yes but oh so breathtaking. I just sat back and took it all in while everyone else did their fishing. We were low on our luck until about 9:00pm then the kids started reeling them in. Keeping Terry busy with the hook replacements and baiting and me with the camera. Finally at 9:30 we called it a night and headed home. Thanks Terry for sharing your birthday with us. I really enjoyed it. So some of the things I just adore about Terry is that he is a very hard worker and he never complains about it. Terry will do what he has to, to make sure we have what we need. He truly cares about other people and he is a great listener. 9 times out of 10 he can interpret what one person is really meaning to say or what they are thinking. Terry is known to tell you how it is, there really isn't a whole lot of sugar used in his bold truthfulness. (I am not sure I like that for I really like sugar) But I know if Terry says it that is really how it is. I love the daddy that Terry is to his children. Oh my goodness if you could be a fly on our wall you would realize that Terry really takes fathering to a new level. Many times I feel inadequate as a mother when I watch him be a dad. I love our garage, not the looks of it but the ability of it. It seems when Terry is in our garage he can do anything. He has all the tools to accomplish anything he needs to. Terry is not one to hire something out unless he completely has to. He would rather get his hands dirty and do it himself. I also love the way that the things that are important to me are important to you. I love you Terry and I know your children would be completely lost with out you. Hugs and kisses from your soul mate.


Kate said...

Happy Birthday Terry! We hope you got our message. Sounds like you were really spoiled on your birthday. We can't wait to come and play in the water with you guys. Thanks for not only being our brother in law but also being our FRIEND.

Deena ♥ Curtis said...

Hope you had a great birthday Terry. It's nice to see that "Old Dogs" can do new tricks :o) J/K We'll have to go boating together sometime. I would love to get Kayden to do what Treg was doing.. He's kinda a wimp though.... Let's plan a trip!!

RobHeidi Family said...

Holy cuteness! That pic of Treg on the board and Terry holding him was tooo cute for words! Seriously! Just priceless! That was quite the Bday extravaganza! I feel the same way about AF canyon! That is a HUGE thing I miss ea. summer: Campfires! Hmmmmm.
Happy Birthday Terry!

Amy Lynn said...

Happy Birthday Terry! What a fabulous day! I'm letting you guys start planning our birthdays from here on out. And I love Kristy's has been great getting to know you guys better!