
Thursday, February 25, 2010


Oh my hannah-banana this kid goat is so stinking cute. My brother is getting into pack goats for hiking and this is his first addition to the family. He is only 2 days old and has to drink from a bottle. It reminds me so much of when I was a kid myself having to feed our kid goats from a bottle. Oh and the cutest little sound he makes when he cries.... It just makes my heart go pitter patter. I would keep him if I could!


Karrilyn said...

Oh so cute little goat it is cute I bet my mom would love one and I would love one to .

kate said...

I am SO JEALOUs. I couldn't believe it either. Oh a flood of memories that is for sure. I would love to have a goat, but you know. I might just copy the picture onto my blog.