
Sunday, March 28, 2010

Matia's Baptism

Today was Matia's very special day. I tried to make sure as much that could be done was done ahead of time so that we could just sit back and enjoy the moment. Such as making and sending out invitations, visits with ward young men (Jared Hall, Corey Jackson, and Nate Rich to get the missionary discussions, interview with Bishop Rich, white cupcakes decorated,
gifts made (including necklace, bracelet, earrings and scripture bag), dress and shoes bought, house cleaned for company, carpets shampoo'd, salads made, deserts hidden to make sure they actually made it to the end of lunch, kids clothes cleaned and ready, Tia's dress pressed, hair do's experiemented with and not quite decided upon, and grocery shopping completed. The long awaited for day was finally here. Matia woke up with such excitement to finally be baptized into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. She danced about the house just bubbling with joy. The moment finally came where we were ready to venture down to the Church. It was so fun for me to go with her and help her change into her baptism clothing. I just couldn't believe she was at this stage in life. I remember so well the day I was dressing her for her blessing day, all in white so clean and pure. Then the moment came so quickly as she left my side to go walk into the baptismal font with my father. My sweet dear father, who means so very much to me. Then as Terrys father lays his hands upon her head to bless her with the Holy Ghost. She was surrounded with her Grandfathers, Uncle Mike, Uncle Tomas and Brother Clark from the bishopric. I could feel her sweet spirit overflowing with love for her brother Jesus and Heavenly Father. Matia thank you from the bottom of my heart for joining this family and sharing your love with us. Our family just wouldn't be the same without you in it. Thank you to the Glads who braved a snowstorm and 3 hour drive each way to get here. Thank you to everyone who came to make this day such a special one to remember.


Amy Lynn said...

She was so beautiful sitting on the stand today! It is hard to believe that your little Tia is such a wonderful grown up young lady! I'm not surprised at all...she has an AMAZING mom! Congratulations on a beautiful day!

Kate said...

It was so great to be there, the spirit was so strong. You need to tell her about Aunt Kathy's baptism because it was special because when I was confirmed actually had a great experience with her mom. Do you remember??? Tell her. I taught my primary class a lesson on baptism on Sunday and that is the story that I told them about my special day it will always have my special sister Kristi as a big part of that day( and every day)

Kristy said...

Great job on raising such a beautiful young lady! She's a doll! Congratulations on the baptism, you must be so proud of her :)

Karrilyn said...

yeah that was a great day thanks for letting us come and enjoy it with you
its was a great day