
Wednesday, March 5, 2014

February 2014

Feb 1st - Terry and I started the month out on a date to Wendover. It was double the fun because we had double the free money to play with. It has been so long since Terry and I have just been on a date that it was fun even though we didn't come back any richer then we left.

Dolly is now 3 months old and weighing 15lbs. She is just a bundle of energy. Her sweet mom puts up with her all day long tugging at her ears and bouncing on and off of her. We love our sweet Dolly. Isn't her new hair cut darling? Yes, 3 dogs is a lot but most of the time we love it!

Here is Bowdee's latest art project. Yes, he just keeps getting better. He was pretty excited to be invited to 9th grade honors art next year. He loves when he completes a difficult project like this and he does so good. His project was voted class favorite and they had a hard time coming up with something to critic it. Good job Bowdee!

Oh my sweetness! I went to take some baby photos for my dear friend that had a baby recently. This is her baby number 6 so I wanted to make sure she got some before she blinked and baby turns 5 years old just like that! The best part was after I took the photos I got to just hold her. Man, I miss those little ones!

Matia did this science fair project all by herself! I was so proud of her for coming up with the idea and researching all her information. She took 3rd in her school so she is now going on to the district science fair. She found out that the flowers in water died first, then the ones in coke, then the ones with flower food bloomed beautifully and lasted a lot longer!

It's basketball season and all 3 kids are playing. We love to keep our kids involved in all different kinds of sports so they are well rounded, healthy, and know what sportsmanship means. This is Tregs fun team although in our opinion the coaches (refs) let them get away with way to much not helping them learn how to play by the rules... Oh well he had fun and has great ball control!

Feb 13th - we went down town with Kami, Iz, Lakota, and Mom to meet up with Clint and his darling family for the night. Taunya had got us tickets to the BYU Acapella group performance in the Conference center and it was simply amazing! The best part was hugging these two darling nieces of mine! This family is so amazing in all sorts of ways!

Feb 14th - These three kids mean so much to me. I just don't know what I would do without each one of them. Bowdee is such a great big brother always there to help out when needed. Matia is such a sweetie always there to help make the sad happy. Treg is such a comedian he keeps us all laughing!

For Valentines we always get a heart shape pizza and then open gifts. I made the kids 2 years of scrapbooks then the family 2 years of family book as well. It was a lot of work and was quite spendy but the kids love them and I feel it is worth the money!

Feb 16th - We decided to rent a room at the Strawberry Bay Lodge and spend the night ice fishing for presidents day. We ate dinner at the restraint and it was delicious. Then we went to the room and watched the Olympics while waiting for the wind to calm down. After it calmed Terry and I went out and set up the tent and did a little fishing. It was slow but we caught a couple. We finally went back to the room and got some sleep. The kids were up watching the Olympics and participating in the bobsled event as you can see in this photo....
Feb 17th - It started out nicely the kids resting in the room while we were ice fishing... Slow again... Then when things warmed up we cleaned up out of the room and the kids came out sledding. They had been sledding for a while when I told Terry "You know we are going to end up in the ER room right?" just an hour later Bowdee let Matia use his sled... She wasn't used to how it rode and she was leaning one way to far and the sled went of to the side through the weeds. In the weeds was a T-post nobody had seen and she found it with her forhead!

Sure enough we ended up in the ER. It was so bad blood everywhere and cut right down to the skull 2 inches long. She was so brave she cried at the first but then she calmed down and that was it. She was so sweet and positive even though she was scared to death and she didn't want a scar on her forhead. A really nice guy came over and helped Terry pack up the ice fishing stuff and get it to the truck so we could leave as fast as possible.

My sweet baby girl, so tough and so brave. I hated watching her have to go through this but we all knew it had to be done and so we did it the best we could. We were in the ER for 2&1/2 hours before we could leave. They nice man next room to ours came and complimented us on our family. How brave Matia was the whole time he said his grandson would have screamed the whole 2 hours and then they would have had to strap him down. And he mentioned how patient the boys were. I had to agree with all he said. Bowdee kept wishing it was his head split open not his sisters. Such a bad day but it could have been worse and I am so thankful she is going to be ok.
So our new family sport for the year is racquetball. We have been going every week at least once but trying for twice a week. Matia is sad to be missing out on the fun with her head injury we just don't feel it is safe yet. But we do have fun while we are there getting our hearts pumping!

Feb 25th - Matia's Junior High checkup and shots!!! Holy Cow how did my baby girl get so old? I just can't believe how fast the time flys. We went to visit Dr. Sundwall he thought Matia's head was healing up great and gave her the go ahead to start playing bball again. She was so brave to take all 3 shots with out crying. Love this girl like CRAZY! I just can't believe my eyes.

Feb 26th - So sad Winter lessons are over and this sweet family is not taking lessons in the spring. They are so cute and fun to teach! The Knapus family is in my dads ward and are simply amazing people! Hopefully we will see them again in the Summer. Winter lessons were fun although Robbie is having a hard time in his 3rd lesson.

Today the kids decided to take a day off of school and so we went to lunch relaxed and went to Cal-Ranch and IFA to buy some chickies! You always need new chicks in the spring right? We got 3 Arecaunas, and a few different kinds but we are super excited!

Feb 28th - Since Robbie was struggling in the 3rd lesson I kept my eyes open for another lesson horse and this is what we came up with. Her name was Athena and we call her Sweetie. She is a Mustang/Quarter horse mix. She is just as sweet as can be and I think she will do great in lessons. Mom, Dad and Treg took the journey to the Neveda border south of St. George to pick her up for $650 lets hope the kids like her. She looks like all the others so nobody will feel jealous of someone having the pretty horse :)

Feb 28th - We got home from picking up the horse at 5:30 and at 6:00 we left with the Callaways to go spend the night at my mom and dads cabin. By the time we got there and carpooled up to the cabin because of the snow it was getting pretty late. But the kids all jumped in the hot tub and they stayed there for at least 2 hours!

We sure get along great with this darling family. Everyone agreed that this is something we need to do again soon when we have more time to stay and enjoy the view and company! What a great way to end a super fun month!

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