
Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Last week Terry was offered a permanent position at LanDesk. Well as permanent as any position is, what I am saying is he is no longer a contractor. He had an idea that this was going to happen but just didn't want to get my hopes up. Last week it really happened. Now we have insurance and paid holidays and even a little paid vacation. I just can't tell you how excited we are to get these nice benefits. It has been so long we have dealt without them that it seems like a fairytale. You know how they say somethings are too good to hope for. Well that is how we feel about this job.

Thanks hun, for doing all you do for this family. I really appreciate all you do to make this life the best for me and the kiddos. Thank you so much we do notice and love it. Good luck in your new job which you don't need the luck because you are just that GOOD.