We rang in the new year with pots and pans at midnight, puzzles and games and movies to pass the time. I can't think of any other people I would rather celebrate a new year with I sure love these faces!
With the New Year we all ponder what we would like to do a little better the new year then the last year. This year I think we all agree we would like to be a little healthier. Bowdee is wanting to eat clean and build his muscles, Matia wants to eat clean and cut out most sugar, Treg well he wants to keep being Treg. The first day of the year we headed to Strawberry to do some ice fishing and the kids ended up ice skating with their boots. Love those smiles!
So the puppies are now 7 weeks old. Daisy spends most of her days playing with both Dolly and Poppy. It is going to be hard to see Poppy leave but we know she has a good home to go to. This week Dolly is 7.4lbs and so super fun.
This is Bowdee's favorite art project so far. He ended up getting 100% on this project. Yes, he has a talent, and this is just one of his many talents.
So I took the kids for a quick get-a-way to the cabin before they all have to go back to school. Terry has a hard time slowing down this much so he stayed home and went to work while we enjoyed Grandma and Grandpa. We took the puppies and grandma fell in love with Poppy. We had fun just playin cards and doing puzzles.
So Flat Lucy came to our house and she ended up making rainbow loom bracelets with Treg and Tia. Tia got this for Christmas and oh my they both just love being creative and making bracelets. They are getting pretty good at it too!
Puppies are now 8 weeks old and still fun as can be. I wish their little bladders would grow so I didn't have to take them out every hour on the hour. But oh well at least we have linoleum in the main area!
So we left the kids home to have some fun without us while we went to Grantsville to wish Mom and Dad Townsend happy birthdays! We have been doing this for a couple years now and we just love the one on one we get with them. Terry cooks them a yummy dinner and I assist. What great people!
Here comes Basketball season again. The kids are fun to watch yes it has been a long winter and we are a little winded but every one of my kids play with such a drive I just love watching them play. We were super sad not to get Matia on her regular team but oh well stretching those wings is always good.
Bowdee with his 20 character art project. He is a little disappointed in it but I think it is Great!
Here is our sweet Matia out doing her chores. I love what it is teaching the kids and I love that smile!

My sweet kids on Crazy Hair day. I pulled out the hair color and they told me what to do with it. I just love their creative minds! I will miss these days they are such GREAT kids and so fun to be around.
At 9 weeks Poppy finally went home to this sweet couple in that lives in Alaska. They were so excited about their new addition to their family. They will take good care of our sweet, strong, smart Poppy!
We went ice fishing again but this time we went to Deer Creek and it was really slow! Lots of fishers on the ice but not too much coming out of the holes. Matia got a really big one on her line but she got a little to excited (I have no idea where she gets that from) and the line broke.
January 28th one of my very best friends had this beautiful baby girl and she named her Taisley! She called me at 10:00 and said she was going in to get started and invited me to come spend the day with her. So of course I was all in showered as fast as I could and headed to the hospital with another one of our best friends. It was a long day and Taisley didn't decide to come until 8:00 pm but she is beautiful and healthy and mom is doing great. There is nothing like witnessing a precious baby coming to this earth. Such an amazing Miracle! Thank you my sweetest friend for letting me be there for you. Remember there is a reason for everything so remember to enjoy this little one before she turns into a teenager! LOVE YOU GIRLFRIEND... LIKE CRAZY!!!