So I don't know how many of you know this but I have been working out for about 2 hours everyday this year. I have started running since the first of the year 3 days a week. I have NEVER been a runner before, well okay so in High School I would do the 50 yard dash and I was pretty good at it. But long distance has always been a struggle for me. So much that at the first of this year I thought I was going to die when I ran 3/4 of a mile. Well okay so today I survived my first 5K. I didn't think it would be that bad because I will run 6 miles some days on the tread mill. But running outside along with Terry is another thing.

Terry wouldn't let me stop the whole way and I did it. I will never be able to tell him how much I appreciate him. I know he could have taken first place in the mens if it wasn't that he was staying by me, literally pulling me up the hills. Thank you Terry. I finished in 32 minutes which I really wanted it to be under 30 but I think by next year I will be able to accomplish that goal. We were about the 15th out of 50 to cross the line.

After the race we talked to the ambulance medics and asked them to let me take a photo in front of the ambulance to joke around with Troy. Well they went all out and took me into the back of it. Got me all comfortable on the stretcher and hooked me up to the blood presure cuff and oxygen. So very cool of them. However, I was comforted to know they were there when I was looking for a place to puke and my chest hurt crossing the finish line.... I KNOW IT WAS ONLY A 5K. But that was huge for me.