Nov 1-4th For Gabes birthday all he wanted was his cousin Treg to fly out to stay with him for a little. So I made the big sacrifice to go with Treg to escort him since he has never flown before. We had a great time while we were there. Treg and Gabe did so much playing on their own that we rarely saw them. I am so thankful for their friendship.
That is one thing I really miss from my childhood. I wish I had close cousins that we had friendships from the beginning. I liked my cousins but we were never close friends. So hopefully this friendship lasts throughout time.
I had a great weekend! It was so relaxing and entertaining. I loved watching Colt and Ephia in their day to day lives. How they raise their kids, where they live, seeing their new house, and getting to know their kids a little more.
I seriously had a great time and I am so appreciative of them for flying us out there for Gabes birthday. I am so going to miss this darling family. I am secretly hoping Gabe decides this should be a tradition! But he told his mom next time Tregs mom can stay home so he can come more often and stay longer. LOL
This was Tregs first time flying and he absolutely LOVED every minute of it. He now thinks we should go on airplanes for all of our vacations. Oh how I wish we were rich enough! Love you Treg I sure had a fabulous weekend with you just the two of us. Thanks for letting me tag along.
Nov 4th - Today was Bowdee's football closing banquet. They played pretty good this year and going into the play offs they were tied for 2nd place. But something crazy happened and they lost their first play off game. So the year was cut short. It was a fun year and next year is the year he tries out for Freshman team in High School. But way to play hard Bowdee we sure love watching you have fun.
Nov 6th - Well we bought this beautiful 1999 Bay Quarter Horse from my dad for $1200. I think she is going to be a lot of fun for Matia to do 4H on next year. This makes our horse count to 4 horses of our own at Crazy Creek Ranch.
Nov 7th - So Bowdee started in the honors art class this year and he has been doing amazing things. He has gotten 96% or above on all of his projects this year and he has really been enjoying it. He also really enjoys his teacher Mr. Bryson who is a pretty awesome teacher.
Nov 9th - With the projects we have been constantly working on Terry and I have become exhausted. I think more mentally then physically. You see Terry is not such a happy boy when he doesn't get his play time in. So we took the night off and headed to the mountains with Troy for a little night hunt. It was fun we didn't see anything but the hike was good for our souls.
Nov 10th - Terry took the night to make some jerky with Bowdee's deer meat. I seriously wonder how Terry has so much talent that boy can cook, hunt, mechanics, build stuff, and do halloween make-up and hair. I am really wondering if there is anything that boy can't do!
Nov 12th - So this is just an update on all the hard work we have been doing on the horse paddocks. We are still making some progress but it is still really slow and I just keep praying the snow will wait just a little longer.
Nov 13th - Finally the day has come. Daisy woke up and was acting really weird today. So I told Treg he had to stay home and watch her because I had a lot of chores I had to be doing. Well he stayed with her all day and watched her and finally at 7:30pm she had her first puppy. Treg and Matia were in there with her on puppy watch and didn't even notice she had given birth.
Daisy did fabulous during labor and delivery and she didn't have a problem with one of them. What a miracle that we were all there to watch her perform such a time stopping moment. Thank you Daisy for sharing that moment with us and not even getting nervous.
This one is the second puppy born that weighed 12 oz. She was the first one we all saw born. They all were pure black no markings at all. Some seem to have curlier coats and a few straight coats. But they are all special to us. Treg thinks he wants to name all the girls with flower names like their mom.
After the 6th puppy we figured she was all but done and it was getting late (10:30) so I sent everyone to bed and couldn't believe it when she had 3 more puppies. She had 9 puppies from 7:30pm-12:09am the smallest weighing 8 oz and biggest was 13 oz. What a memorable night.. let the games begin!
Nov 15th - It has been way to long since we girls last got together besides today was Holly's birthday so we just had to go out and play. I had planned to take the girls to the cabin and spend the weekend there. But the furniture wasn't moved in and Tonja's kids weren't home anyway so we ended up just staying there and playing around town. It really doesn't matter what we do we always have a good time together. Happy Birthday Holls WE LOVE YOU!
Nov 20th - The puppies have all made it to one week old. They are growing little by little. The red puppy (which was the first one we all saw born - the second puppy) weighed 12 oz when she was born. Now she weighs 19 oz. All they really do is squirm around, sleep and eat.
Nov 21st-23rd - Bowdee had a Mesquite football tournament and so I sent Terry down to enjoy the weekend with him while me Treg and Matia stayed home to watch the puppies and feed the animals. Ya, it was sad not to be there but they said it was really cold anyway and we would have had no fun at all. But the boys had a great time. Thank you Terry for being so supportive of your kids!
Nov 27th - Puppies are all now 2 weeks old and yes we still have 9 puppies. We have named this puppy Rosie and she is now 30oz (1lb 14 oz)I have warned the kids that most times with large litters a few of the puppies wont make it. But I have been watching these puppies like a hawk. I still have not left them for more then 1&1/2 hours. I know kinda paranoid but it is also kinda fun. Today we moved them into the kitchen to get a little desensitized. They have opened their eyes and we will start introducing food to them soon.
Nov 28th - Thanksgiving well I heard it was fabulous. I didn't feel good about leaving the puppies all day which is what it is when we go to the Townsends. I also didn't feel good about going for just one hour and going right home. So I sent Terry with the kids and I stayed home to puppysit. I know I don't do much for the puppies right now but I do have to let daisy out when she needs and feed the animals and make sure Daisy doesn't squish one of her babies. Terry and the kids had a great time!
Nov 30th - Paddocks so here is an update on our horse paddocks. It is really coming along but oh it is starting to get so cold. We also don't have the roof completely screwed on, but it is on good enough for now... we hope!
Wednesday, December 11, 2013
Friday, November 1, 2013
Oct 1-31st - 4H Halloween party, Bowdee's Bday, Matia Clearcreek, Mom & Dads cabin, Bowdee's first buck, Building Paddocks, Halloween
October this month our ranch project is to get started on the paddocks for our horses and to get the automatic/heated water systems set up so that we are not fighting frozen water all winter long. It will be a big project and all our extra time will be spent on it but it will be worth it in the end.
Oct 10th - This month was also a busy month. We started out with our 4H Halloween Dressup party and yes we had to dress up the horses as well. They all came up with their own ideas of what they wanted to do and Treg got 3rd scariest, Matia got 1st cutest, Bowdee well his was so cool they didn't have an award for that. It was a good time that is for sure!
Oct 11th - Bowdee's 14th birthday party. Well Bowdee invited a lot of friends from school and football to a birthday party at our house. This is big for him because he shys away from inviting people to his house that he is not CLOSE friends to. Well with the fall break this weekend the only kids that ended up coming was his 5 closest friends. Which turned out perfect to him. Izak, Dylan, Ryan Dixon, Annie, and Adi. Love every one of these friends they are so good to him!
Oct 12th - Bowdee got an early birthday present. He got to go to a Utes game with Terry. This is one of Bowdee's favorite things to do especially with his dad. The weather was perfect and they had good seats and they even went out to eat. Love you Bowdee and we love to support your passion in football. Go Utes!
Oct 15th - My sweet baby boy turned 14 today. I can't hardly believe it. I remember bringing him home from the hospital thinking "We need a manual" honestly who trusts people with children. How can they just send him home with me. What if I mess this up?" I have had moments of messing up but Bowdee I hope you realize dad and I only want the best for you and we are doing our best as well. Love you sweet Boy!
Oct 15th-16th - Matia had the great opportunity to go to Clear Creek for the night. I remember when I went in 6th grade and how much fun I had. I just was so excited for her. She of course loved every minute being away from home. She is not one to get homesick much. Even though she does love being home I think she likes the independence of being away.
Oct 17th - So my parents own a cabin just east of Park City that they have been renting out for about 5 years now. The people that were renting it just bought a cabin next to theirs so they were able to get it back. So I spent the day to go up and assess the cabin. The people that were there really did take good care of it, but it is so nice to have it back. We are looking forward to making some good memories there in the near future.
Oct 20th - Terry took Bowdee up hunting to Hickman for the day. This was their second time up with Bowdee being in football he doesn't have to much time for an over nighter. But they went up for the day and didn't even get to take the 4-wheelers because the trailer was full of wood for the shelters.
Oct 29th - Matia and Terrys Activity Days Daddy Daughter Date. Matia has been so excited to dress up with her Daddy to go on this date for so long they have been planning it for over a month. So she decided to do Dorothy from Wizard of OZ and Terry said if I could make him this Scarecrow he would wear it. But only this one. I told him he could be the Lion that he wore in 2000, but I just got a scowl and a NO WAY! I thought they turned out so darling together. They both had a fabulous night.
Oct 30th - The paddocks for the horses are coming along. Slowly yes but surely we will get them done one of these days. I just hope it is before the snow falls and it gets to cold to work outside. Terry assures me that now it should fly and take no time at all.
Oct 31st - Halloween Oh how we love Halloween at our house. All the kids have thought and thought of what they want to be and of course I go along with it. I keep thinking about the years in the near future where they will just be too cool to dress up. So I am glad they are having fun with it and really putting some thought into what they wanted to be.
The Halloween fun all started the night before Halloween when I decorated the table and made the family a fun Halloween dinner. They all loved it because instead of making something gross I just made bacon potatoe soup and bought pumpkin bread bowls. So they all LOVED me!
Then Halloween morning the makeup begins. With Terry being the artist in the family there is not much for me to do so instead I made breakfast. Every year Terry amazes me with how well he can paint a face. So since there isn't much for me to do I just made breakfast and got the kids in their costumes.
Ya, donuts for breakfast I am a one of a kind mother. But they were decorated so that made it ok! Right? Treg couldn't wear his mask to school so Terry had to do 2 Wolverines! But oh they look so good! I had a hard time washing this wolverine away for the steve off of minecraft.
Finally they were all off to work and school. That is when I started working on a costume for me to go to Matia's school party. She doesn't like the fact I am always a witch so I had to change things up, so it was kinda tricky. But it all worked out. Her school party was fun I love watching her at school.
After the school parties I checked them both out of school and headed to daddys work for his big work party. It was tons of fun and they get so creative! The kids didn't complain at all about the amount of candy they got either.
We came home and I became a panicked mess trying to get the jackolantern pizza, take all the photos I wanted, make sure they ate my healthy dinner ;) , and then getting them off to trick or treat on time. I know it is a holiday and it should not be rushed but Halloween always seems to end up that way. Matia wasn't to excited about my jello/straw worms.
Bowdee stayed home this year to hand out candy we even bought the full sized candy bars and we only had 5 trick or treaters. It was so sad for us we love handing out candy and seeing all my preschoolers that come to say hi. Matia and Treg went trick or treating with their cousins Allee and Gavin and they had fun but our kids just never last too long.
Oct 10th - This month was also a busy month. We started out with our 4H Halloween Dressup party and yes we had to dress up the horses as well. They all came up with their own ideas of what they wanted to do and Treg got 3rd scariest, Matia got 1st cutest, Bowdee well his was so cool they didn't have an award for that. It was a good time that is for sure!
Oct 11th - Bowdee's 14th birthday party. Well Bowdee invited a lot of friends from school and football to a birthday party at our house. This is big for him because he shys away from inviting people to his house that he is not CLOSE friends to. Well with the fall break this weekend the only kids that ended up coming was his 5 closest friends. Which turned out perfect to him. Izak, Dylan, Ryan Dixon, Annie, and Adi. Love every one of these friends they are so good to him!
Oct 12th - Bowdee got an early birthday present. He got to go to a Utes game with Terry. This is one of Bowdee's favorite things to do especially with his dad. The weather was perfect and they had good seats and they even went out to eat. Love you Bowdee and we love to support your passion in football. Go Utes!
Oct 15th - My sweet baby boy turned 14 today. I can't hardly believe it. I remember bringing him home from the hospital thinking "We need a manual" honestly who trusts people with children. How can they just send him home with me. What if I mess this up?" I have had moments of messing up but Bowdee I hope you realize dad and I only want the best for you and we are doing our best as well. Love you sweet Boy!
Oct 15th-16th - Matia had the great opportunity to go to Clear Creek for the night. I remember when I went in 6th grade and how much fun I had. I just was so excited for her. She of course loved every minute being away from home. She is not one to get homesick much. Even though she does love being home I think she likes the independence of being away.
Oct 17th - So my parents own a cabin just east of Park City that they have been renting out for about 5 years now. The people that were renting it just bought a cabin next to theirs so they were able to get it back. So I spent the day to go up and assess the cabin. The people that were there really did take good care of it, but it is so nice to have it back. We are looking forward to making some good memories there in the near future.
Oct 20th - Terry took Bowdee up hunting to Hickman for the day. This was their second time up with Bowdee being in football he doesn't have to much time for an over nighter. But they went up for the day and didn't even get to take the 4-wheelers because the trailer was full of wood for the shelters.
Oct 29th - Matia and Terrys Activity Days Daddy Daughter Date. Matia has been so excited to dress up with her Daddy to go on this date for so long they have been planning it for over a month. So she decided to do Dorothy from Wizard of OZ and Terry said if I could make him this Scarecrow he would wear it. But only this one. I told him he could be the Lion that he wore in 2000, but I just got a scowl and a NO WAY! I thought they turned out so darling together. They both had a fabulous night.
Oct 30th - The paddocks for the horses are coming along. Slowly yes but surely we will get them done one of these days. I just hope it is before the snow falls and it gets to cold to work outside. Terry assures me that now it should fly and take no time at all.
Oct 31st - Halloween Oh how we love Halloween at our house. All the kids have thought and thought of what they want to be and of course I go along with it. I keep thinking about the years in the near future where they will just be too cool to dress up. So I am glad they are having fun with it and really putting some thought into what they wanted to be.
The Halloween fun all started the night before Halloween when I decorated the table and made the family a fun Halloween dinner. They all loved it because instead of making something gross I just made bacon potatoe soup and bought pumpkin bread bowls. So they all LOVED me!
Then Halloween morning the makeup begins. With Terry being the artist in the family there is not much for me to do so instead I made breakfast. Every year Terry amazes me with how well he can paint a face. So since there isn't much for me to do I just made breakfast and got the kids in their costumes.
Ya, donuts for breakfast I am a one of a kind mother. But they were decorated so that made it ok! Right? Treg couldn't wear his mask to school so Terry had to do 2 Wolverines! But oh they look so good! I had a hard time washing this wolverine away for the steve off of minecraft.
Finally they were all off to work and school. That is when I started working on a costume for me to go to Matia's school party. She doesn't like the fact I am always a witch so I had to change things up, so it was kinda tricky. But it all worked out. Her school party was fun I love watching her at school.
After the school parties I checked them both out of school and headed to daddys work for his big work party. It was tons of fun and they get so creative! The kids didn't complain at all about the amount of candy they got either.
We came home and I became a panicked mess trying to get the jackolantern pizza, take all the photos I wanted, make sure they ate my healthy dinner ;) , and then getting them off to trick or treat on time. I know it is a holiday and it should not be rushed but Halloween always seems to end up that way. Matia wasn't to excited about my jello/straw worms.
Bowdee stayed home this year to hand out candy we even bought the full sized candy bars and we only had 5 trick or treaters. It was so sad for us we love handing out candy and seeing all my preschoolers that come to say hi. Matia and Treg went trick or treating with their cousins Allee and Gavin and they had fun but our kids just never last too long.
Thursday, October 24, 2013
Fall Soccer Teams
I am so thankful to all of these wonderful teams. I feel like the kids sports teams and coaches teach them so much each season. What a fun season it has been.
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
August 1-31 Roof House, Treg Raingutter Renegade, 4H County & Region, Back to School, Bday Horse ride, Hunting, Payson Lakes, Maximus, Escavation Begins
Aug 1st ~ End of Swim team
Well we made it through another year of swim practices, swim meets, and sunscreenings. My kids are such troopers. I love that they practiced nearly every day this summer and didn't complain about it at all. Treg and Bowdee both took 3rd for boys in their ages and Tia took 8th. Wow I love my kids.
Aug 2-5th ~ Reroofing our home
No it was not fun at all. But I was such a proud momma watching all of my kids up on the roof with my dad and my husband doing what they could do to help out. We tore off all the shingles, laid new protectant and then down went the metal roof. It wasn't that easy though and right at the end Terry's knee started hurting bad. It turned out to be a staph infection which took quite a while to heal up.
August 6th ~ Utah County 4H Competition
Bowdee was so excited when he found out he had made County. With this being his first year riding horses and having a new horse that he wasn't familiar with he did fabulous. I love watching him do the speed events because he is so solid on Sally. Congrats Bowdee you did GREAT!
Matia was also invited to go to the County competition. After the first couple events which are the horsemanship, written test, and showmanship. We noticed Robbies knee was super swollen. It was sensitive to the touch and he didn't seem like himself. So we wrapped it in ice and took it easy. He was such a trooper for giving it his all for Matia and did his best in the speed events. Love this team!
August 10-11 ~ Payson Lakes with Garricks
With Terry having a swollen knee with tons of pain he was going crazy and just couldn't stand to be in the house any longer. So we called our friends and we headed to Payson Lakes. It was good to get him out but Terry was pretty miserable. But we all still had fun even if he had to take it easy.
Aug 16th ~ Meet Maximus
This is our Maximus we bought him from the same facility that we bought Holly. I am super excited about how big he is. He is 23 but he seriously acts 15 he is a QuArabian so he is 1/2 Quarter horse and 1/2 Arabian. He does trail, dressage, jump, showmanship whatever we need he knows it all.
August 17-18 ~ Granite Flats Townsend Family Reunion
This year we were lucky enough to reserve the Sandwagon group campsite and I must say that was so fun. We had the whole place to ourselves so the kids could run around and just have a great time. Ryan's motor home broke down on the way up but they joined us on Sunday and that was nice to see them. There is something special about just being together and letting the kids play. LOVED IT!
August 19th ~ Back to School GREENWOOD
So this year my 2 youngest are starting back to school at a new school. We are now going to Greenwood and Matia is excited about the change and Treg is a bit nervous. After meeting teachers and principle and the Gator we decided it is going to be a fantastic year! GO GATORS!
After meeting the teachers we came home to this fun dinner I had been working on all day. I thought it would be fun to have a special back to school dinner so we could talk about school stuff. Like how we should act, study and learn. The family is really liking my fried chicken so even though its not the healthiest that is what we had. Here is a cheers to a great year!
Aug 20th ~ School starts 8th,6th, and 4th grades
Bowdee is off to 8th grade this year he will be in an advanced art, woods, foods, Spanish and then all the regular stuff. He is excited to be past the "Sevie" nickname given to all the 7th graders. He also made the 8th grade "A Football Team" with coach Barron. Practices have started and he is playing center again. He is the smallest on the team but man he has some strength and consistency.
Treg and Matia finally got to start riding the bus. Bus comes at 8:35 each morning and returns at 3:55. Their drivers name is Mrs. Tilley and she takes care of them. Matia is in Mrs. Lind's class in 6th grade. She has some friends in the class so she is super excited. Treg is in Mrs. Gerrish's 4th grade class and he is really nervous he won't know anybody. But I am confident they will do GREAT!
Aug 24th ~ Matia made Region 4H competition
We were all amazed to hear Matia had been invited to compete in the Region 4H competition which is one step away from state. With Robbies knee hurt in the last we didn't really feel like she was going to make it but she did and she did great. Her friend Allee was also invited so they had a fun day riding horses together and doing their best. Way to go Matia and Robbie!
Aug 25th ~ Hickman Hunting Dad's Archery
We took the day and went up Hickman to hunt for dad's archery buck. We didn't see a whole lot and Terry's knee was still hurting him a bit so we didn't do much hiking. But there was a buck by the wash that Terry and Bowdee tried to sneak up on. No luck but it was a beautiful day anyway!
Aug 28th ~ Tregs Rain gutter Renegade
This year the cub scouts are doing the rain gutter renegade. Not sure if it is because the pinewood derby's are so competitive or not but this was sure fun. Treg took 1st place in his pack and second over all. It was the most fun watching him design it, paint it and do all the work. Love you kiddo!
Aug 29th ~ Birthday Horse Ride
For my birthday all I wanted was to go on a trail ride. So Kami took the day off and my dad offered to escort his two little girls on a beautiful ride. I took Sally feeling she was young enough to haul me up and back safely. Kami took Robbie and Dad took Misty. We had the perfect ride. Weather was wonderful, horses were safe, and the views were to die for.
Thanks Kami and Dad for making my birthday wishes come true!
August 31st ~ Labor Day Excavation
Yes Labor day weekend we are usually out playing and having a good time. But this year we are busting our butts trying to get the ranch ready for winter. We are digging trenches to run water and electrical all around the ranch so we can put in heated automatic waters to avoid the winter freezing water problem. We are also adding a toilet and septic take for the pump house and septic and water, electrical for the RV hookups. It will really be nice when we are finished but oh what a project.
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