
Monday, September 22, 2008


So this year Terry's contract company took us to Lagoon for a company party. It was nice because we were talking about taking the kids this year because they are getting to be at a fun age for that. Well I am glad we waited because then we got to go for free. I have to say this was my best adventure to Lagoon ever. Seriously, yes it rained and stormed on us part of the time. But, even the storms seemed to make it more of an adventure. I have always wanted a photo from Pioneer Village with Terry but he never gave in until this year. I love this photo.Bowdee was old enough where Terry and I realized one of us would have to go off and show him the big rides. Yes we are getting to old for this and it would have been better to bring him a friend along. We learned our lesson, our bodies are still recovering. We took turns running around hopping from all the scariest rides to see if there was anything he wouldn't do. He did Wicked with dad and Blast off with mom. In other words he would do them all. But Wicked was his favorite. Matia loved the Tidal Wave and the big Swings. Although I have to say she seemed to really enjoy those bumper cars. I loved going with her and Treg because I really didn't get sick on anything they took me on. Like the new Lady Bug Drop, now that one rocks. I don't care how old you are it was fun to get that little tummy tickler. It reminded me of the first time Terry kissed me. Treg well he was just 39 inches this year. So not big enough for the Wicked and Colossas which are the 2 he really really wanted to go on. He is still eating everything we put infront of him just so he can grow to go on them next year. Really that kid has no fear. We took him on the Bat (yes we made him stand really tall) and he loved every minute of it. All the kids begged Terry to win mommy that big Polar Bear at all the games. He never tried but he did throw the kids a couple bucks to teach them that you really can't win alot from those games. Well then they told us about the Ducky Pond where everyone is a winner. Yes all you have to do is pick up a duck and you win. Ya Treg even noticed "that wasn't really winning mom it was more like buying me that lizard." He told me the day after Lagoon. It was the best day ever. I loved the fact I could simply play with my kids and not parent them. I loved the fact they loved being with me. That Treg kissed me on the skyride and held my hand. I love the fact that we are the ones they wanted to bum with. It was so much fun we played from 12:00pm right to 10:00pm when the park was closing. Ya we wore the kids right out. I don't think one of those 6 beautiful eyes lasted till the freeway on ramp. Oh what a glorious day. I just love being a mom and a wife of one patient loving husband.


Amy Lynn said...

What a fun, fun day! I've lived in UT for 14 years now and I've never been to Lagoon. It just seems so pathetic to say that out is on my "50 Things To Do" list. I love your family! You guys are an amazing, inspiring team!

Kate said...

Lagoon is the best. It is one of our most favorite places and we have been there many many times with our kids. I bet your kids just loved it, that would be awesome to go with your family some time. What a fun day and you didn't have to travel to California! LOL

Kate said...

I have to comment again, I didn't notice until now how great your kids were able to look stern in that picture. Matia just made me laugh. Mike and I have a picture from there and I love it.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe how big everyone is getting! All our bunch is in grade school and Emma started preschool this year! We are starting to get old but we don't look it! Right? I don't know how we found your blog but I'm glad we did! Wow it has been a crazy year for us and you too! Weird huh, how things can change so fast, sorry about Tonia that's so sad. Well we will have to get together with the kiddos and let Big Ern and Terry have some bonding time! We are terrible at keeping in touch it must be in the water out here! I'm not a blogger, but your blog rocks!
Love ya
Kari Filion
It looks like you do a awesome preschool! email me if you want

Unknown said...

Wow! I came to reply to your discovery of my blog..I just started it, so word is just getting out, and I'd love to be linked with you!

I love your "pioneer" picture, what a great looking family you have!

Like Amy, I have yet to go to Lagoon but I've only lived here off and on for 8 years. You guys made it look like so much fun though!

I love your family, keep up the great job!

Callaway Family Fun said...

HOW FUN!!! I love days like that, it makes all the temper tantrums & chaos totally worth it. I love the picture from pioneer village, I beg Conor for one every time, too! Next year we should all go together so Bowdee & Annie can go on the crazy rides & we can avoid getting totally sick!

Sally said...

How fun for you guys. I sort of miss Lagoon...

That picture turned out great. We've never done one. I'm kinda sad after seeing yours.