
Friday, November 21, 2008

Twilight Movie

So I went to the 12:03 showing last night of Twilight. I wasn't much suprised when I heard there were people lining up at the door at 11:00am that morning to get a good seat. They let us in at 10:15pm to get our seats, so that was nice we didn't have to stand outside the whole time. I went Tonya and Angie who are some crazy book readers. I love them to pieces we have the same book reading taste although I am not as fast as they are. It was fun to hang out with them, but I must say honestly the movie was a huge disappointment for me. I don't know that I can recommend it to anyone. Of course that is what I expected but it was even worse then I thought it would be. Let's just say it was very slow and I am sure a man would call it painful. This is one of the first movies that I watched after reading the book and I realize it can't be compared to the book but it is sad when you have such a good image of your characters and then it gets washed away from the movies image. Oh well it was good while it lasted and it was fun going with all the obsessed and getting "SHUSSHED". Tell me what you thought of the movie if you have seen it. I am eager to hear. P.S. Sal we were thinking of you the whole night and wished you could have been there with us.


Unknown said...

Dang girl,you were blogging earlier than me! Maybe you don't sleep, is Edward a cousin of yours?!
I agree with the movie review, but it was worth it for a fun girls night out! You know you're coming with us for the next one!

Go get some sleep!

Deena ♥ Curtis said...

Don't they say that the movies aren't near as good as the books?? Crazy Woman... Glad you had fun anyway.

Amy Lynn said...

I've been so nervous about seeing the movie. One minute I can't wait, and the next minute I've decided that I'll wait for it to come out on Netflix. Oh, the conflict!! Thanks for your review...I'm going to save my money and go oogle James Bond instead. HE is my fictional "Edward"...

Kate said...

I just saw the movie and it definitely didn't follow the book but I guess I am a romantic I loved the passion in Edward and Bella's relationship.

Anonymous said...

I don't know, by the end of the movie I thought he was pretty hot!