
Sunday, July 11, 2010

Steel Days of A.F.

So as I was a teenager I remember saying I will never live in A.F. because it is just too big... Well here I am living here and loving it. I guess I am proof that you can change your mind about things and it is okay. Today Terry and I participated in the Bob Phelps 5K run.

Terry took 5th in his division, his brother Troy took 6th, and I took 10th. I didn't mind being 10th I am just glad I wasn't last. Ya know even if I was last that would have been just fine with me as long as I finished it. It was still not something I call fun but I guess it was a little fulfilling. I was happy to get a runners number and a finishers medal! But most of all I loved doing it with my whole family!

Right after we ran Terry drove home to get the kids for their 1/2 mile race. They were excited and they did their best. It was fun to see them lined up at the beginners line and then to be at the finishing line to watch them cross. We ran it with our friends the Callaways. The kids loved having their friends there to run it with them.

Directly after the race we had to rush down to the parade line-up for Tia, Daisy, & Annie to be in the parade with the A.F. Theater group they are in the Jungle Book Play that will be playing at the end of this month. This was Tias first parade and she was so excited to be part of it. I wish I would have sat out on that one because I was still all sweaty and gross from the 5K but what do ya do? I sacrificed so I could be there to help watchout for the kids.

To complete the day of celebrations we came home and fixed the jeep so that we could go watch the fireworks in it. We drove up by the temple and waited for 1 hour for them to start... What time is dusk anyway? I wish they could be a little more specific on the start time.

It wasn't until 11:00 that they started it. Treg and Tia had both fallen asleep in the back of the jeep. But it was well worth the wait. We loved the fireworks that A.F. had given us.

Yesterday we also participated in the downtown carnival. It is nothing like Salina's carnival it was the one with the rides and scary people right. Well the kids loved every minute of it. They were just taking 1 ticket per ride so we got to go on more rides then we expected. Again we went with the Callaways then had snow cones after.

1 comment:

Kate said...

I am so proud of you. Congrats. Sure wish we lived closer so we could run together. I just love Steel Days I am glad you had a great time.