
Sunday, June 8, 2008

First Week of Summer

So I have to admit I was really excited for school to be out. The freedom that comes with summer is just a big relief after a busy 9 months of school. I love waking up and thinking HUM what fun things should I do with the kiddos today? I honestly love to have them at my disposal. So, right before school got out Bowdee made the HAST swim team and so we do have some obligations this summer. Every day Bowdee has swim workouts for 45 minutes. So we go 45 minutes before and let him play swim then he works out then we are all ready to go. It has been really good for him and his teacher has even used him as a good example of how to do a certain stroke. So with swim team and the cold weather the week seemed to just fly by, almost like we were just standing there watching it go by in fast motion. We ended our first week of summer on the shores of Strawberry Reservoir. I have to admit it is probably my fault that we got completely skunked although I wouldn't admit that to Terry. You see I was reading my friends blog and heard they got completely skunked at Jordenelle and thought to myself "How does one get completely skunked while fishing?" I just was thinking maybe they were doing it wrong. Huh, teach me a lesson of thinking like that. We fished for 3 hours and had absolutely no luck at all. I have to admit I did enjoy the drive through the Provo canyon and reading a book with Bowdee on the shore while Dash fetched flying sticks and shook water on us. So here is cheers to hopefully the coldest week of summer.

1 comment:

Kate said...

Fishing. Wow you are ambitious. I wish I had the freedom to just go but with school during the summer that ruined that. I also hope that last week was the coldest of the summer. Happy Summer!