
Thursday, August 7, 2008

We did it!

We went wakeboarding and I finally did it. All year I have been trying to jump high enough to do a grab. Well after alot of practice and awful landings. I finally did it. I had a great time doing my first grabs and I have to say I was even landing them. Then Terry decided it was time for me to shorten the rope and go wake to wake. And believe it or not I did. I guess this goes to show if you practice long enough and hard enough I guess we do get better. Then Matia was brave enough to take her first shot at wakeboarding. I think she was so nervous because she sees mom coming in with head ringers all the time. And so she thinks wakeboarding hurts. Well we showed her differently. She did wonderful for a first couple trys. Good going Matia it makes me so proud when you step up to bat with a brave spirit. After Tia gave it a try Treg decided he wanted to try again. So we put him out in the water with Terry and all of a sudden he got stage fright. So he started crying but after the first try he stopped crying and said "That was awesome can I do it again." What a trooper who knew being pulled through the water could be so fun. Then Dash had to show me how cool he is by going tubin' with the kids! This is something he learned the last few times Terry has taken the kids out without me. So that was fun to watch.


Deena ♥ Curtis said...

THAT IS AN AWESOME PICTURE KRISTI!!! You will need to come and give us lessons. You look like a pro!! That is so cute with Dash on the tube. Our dog would have freaked!!

Good Job Surfer Girl!!

Kate said...

Wow You got Dash to go on the tube. That is awesome. What a great dog.

Kate said...

You are amazing. I can't believe how talented you are. I never doubted that you would be able to wake. Your kids will all be up before you know it.

RobHeidi Family said...

Stop It! That pic of you getting sick air is awesome! I better see it framed when I get back! I only do that stuff in visions, daily scenarios in my head! Not real life stuff! I am totally rooting for you at the next Olympic Trials! Gooooo Kristi!!!!