
Friday, April 10, 2009

Home to me

As I ponder about home I have 2 images that instantly come to my mind. It is not a house made of wood and stucco, or even the farm I grew up on and learned so much about life. The first image is of Mount Timpanogus and the canyon opening. This is where my escape is, when I just need to feel home this is where I go. I will never be able to explain the feeling of peace and belonging that I feel when I escape to these beautiful mountain tops.

The second image that comes to mind is part of the Timpanogus mountain range. Just north of the Timpanogus peak you will see this beautiful range. This is the range that gives me a sense of security. It is strange but as I come from the North into Utah County I always immediatly glance to the left to feel an incredible feeling of security. As I glance to this mountain range it feels like I am hugged from above. It feels like when I see my dad and he always wraps his strong comforting arms around me in a hug that seems to protect me from everything. These are the reasons I will never be able to leave this area. I am rooted, strong and deep.


Kristy said...

I love that mountain range too...I can't help but glance over everytime I drive by there to see if I can see lady timpanogos....if that's even what it's called lol! I just love utah because of the mountains!

Kate said...

I too love the mountains. They are home. I have learned that I didn't have much choice, sometimes life hands us other journeys to travel, but it will always seem like home when I come into the Utah county valley. Great pictures.

Chris said...

EXTREMELY cheesy Kristi but I agree. I have not seen these mountains in over 1 1/2 years and do miss them. Holland is beautiful with its canals, beaches and windmills but it will never match the feeling of home when I enter Utah Valley. Hofefully we will make the trek back to Utah in the next couple of years, we will see...