
Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Baseball Season

So a few weeks ago Bowdee started on his first Minor League Baseball Team he is on the Padres. He has done really good for his first year. I must say it is not as exciting to watch as his soccer games, but I guess it gets better as the team develops. I know it sounds like alot to have him in both but we really want to give him the chance to be a well rounded boy. And he is proving to be a boy of many sports. On his first game his coach started him out as pitcher. I think his coach can tell how much Bowdee is trying to do his best. He has pitched in about 1/2 of the games and he does pretty good. Way better then I could do that is for sure! Good job Bowdee I am so proud of you for giving it your all, all the time! Treg just started on his first T-ball team. He has a very devoted coach and most of the team members are is buddies. He is so cute when he hits the ball he is supose to run to the first base and stop. But he just keeps running and gets to second before anyone can get him to stop. Good job Treg keep it up and you will forsure be as good as Bowdee one day. Your just toooo cute. Matia said she didn't want to do Coach Pitch but now she is going to all the boys games and wishes she would have done it. We held her out because at the time she was in dance, soccer and swimming lessons. Maybe next year girlfriend.


Deena ♥ Curtis said...

Treg did AWESOME!!!!

Kate said...

I hope you boys enjoy it. We have never experienced baseball so you will have to teach us a thing or two.