
Sunday, September 27, 2009

Strawberry Fishing

Sunday morning came and we all had the itch to go try our luck out fishing on Strawberry Reservoir. We have never taken the boat to Strawberry so we thought now was a good time to try it out. So we hooked up the boat, threw in the poles, filled the coolers with yummy food, rounded up some good books and off we went. The drive up the canyon was gorgeous with all the changing leaves. I remember thinking to myself even if the battery in the boat is dead this drive was completely worth all the gas money and time. We got on the lake and about an hour later Matia landed the first fish of the day!

It was a great size it was 15 inches long and pretty thick. She was elated! Then about 2 hours later I caught a fish that was the biggest fish I have ever had on my pole! It was huge I swear it was over 22 inches but of course my eyes could have been pulling that fisherman’s trick on me. However, I started squealing and reeling and Terry got the net and ready to scoop it in when….. Yes it got away! I was so bummed but I didn’t give up and I didn’t even cry I just kept fishing for another 3 hours trying and trying and getting nothing.

I don’t know what we have done wrong to Strawberry we use to catch our limits all the time and they were some really nice fish. But now it is like there is some curse on us so we can’t catch jack. But it was fun and yes the drive up the canyon was beautiful!

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