
Tuesday, January 5, 2010

New Year 2010

So here we are sitting at the beginning of another new year. I don't know if I have ever mentioned this before but I really can't stand the first of the new year. I hate new beginnings because I always want to do so much better in my life. Such as I want to keep my house more organized. I feel the need to catch up from all my scrapbooks from the past year. I always try to do better at everything from eating, working out, to emotional control. Well then every year I let myself down. So this year I am not trying to change myself I am just going to try and make myself just a little bit finer. Just a little more pleasent to be around just a little more healthier. My house will not be perfect but it will be just a little bit more organized and I will destroy at least one dust bunny this year. So that is what I am going to do from getting myself frustrated and depressed. I figure a happier me is more important than being a perfect me. So anyway I wish you all a happy new year. I hope your Christmas was as magical as mine was. We created some great memories up in strawberry ice fishing and spending the night in the cabin there. Then we rocked in the new year with my brother Kye and his fun family. We all tore it up to Rockband then watched the ball fall in NY, in the comfort of Kyes home. Good times. Happy New Year!


Kristy said...

Amen to That...we just need to fine tune things! That is exactly what my new years resolution was too...just to try and do a few things better :)

We rung in the new year hanging out with the family and playing rockband too! It's a blast and I don't think I'd rather be doing anything different!

Here's to a great 2010!!! Happy New Year :) P.S...Glad you liked the pillow, sorry you couldn't use it this year haha...that's one thing I'm trying to be better at!

Colt said...

I see no better way to ring in the new year than playing rock band. In fact, my only new years resolution is to become an expert rock band guitarist and to play drums on hard mode.

I have also joined a new band called "the cruisers" with Izak on guitar, Lakota singing, Kami on drums, and I on bass. I also hope to join another band with the Glads. I am also considering forming a new band with some good friends who live in Utah. I will also be teaching drums to my son.

I don't think I am going to have any time for anything else outside of my day job.

Kate said...

Happy New Year SIS!!! I miss you. I have been thinking about you and worrying because I know how hard this time of the year is for you. Hang in there and keep smiling. If I had a wish I would wish that you lived closer or that you would show up on my door step, anyway at least you know that you are loved.