
Monday, August 11, 2008

Memory Lane

Here is a fun little game...Leave a comment on my blog of a memory that you and I have had together. It doesn't matter if you've known me for a short time, or a long time, anything you remember! Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you.On your mark...get your memories!!


Deena ♥ Curtis said...

I'd have to say too that the Candle sniffing party we had was my first great memory. It was then I got to know you and Terry and KNOW what awesome people you guys are and felt even luckier to have you as a neighbor! Every time I do pull out my scentsy candles I think of you!!!

I also remember you coming up to my door with your bag of samples (for sniffing round number 2) to leave with me for the weekend. I remember saying to Kayden "There's your new preschool teacher" and how loving and warm you were with him and how he went and got his shoes on to go with you right there and then.. That's how I know we got the BEST teacher possible!!! THANK YOU!

JaNae said...

Oh my...where do I begin! Remember how you and Kami would pick me up in the Cherokee and we would go to the Stake Dances...and how we used to have pity pizza parties with all the girls when we didn't go to the school dances...and that one time when we got pulled over by the Lehi cop in your tiny little red car with about 8 of our friends packed inside at like 2am ... good times :)

Anonymous said...

Ok, my memeory is the George Strait concert that you, and I went to. We went to the concert in my brothers Fiero. It was a nice ride up there. The concert was great. George Straight, and Clay Walker. And when we left i was having such a good time, well I forgot to look at the gas guage. And yeah, we ran out of gas. So there we were standing on the side of the freeway wondering what we were going to do, when that typical Utah, mormon family, of 12. Stopped to give us a ride. They took us to the gas station, and then back to the car. I will never forget that. You were on my lap because there was no room with all the kids in the car. The Sundance trip, with you, Janae, and Chris was a close second.

Anonymous said...

Hi Kristi I hope that I am posting my memory in the right spot. I would have to say me favorite memories is running over to your house in my P.J's and sharing--laughs, fears, concerns, tears, frustrations, hopes. I miss those days tons!! I am very greatful to have gotten to know you and your family! You are all so awesome!! I will always treasure my time as your neighbor and look foward to making more memories as friends. Denise

Anonymous said...

Of course I will say it's the night Corey, Rori, Marli, and me came over for dinner. It was such a pleasure to meet you and your family. It actually made me sad that we don't live in Utah. I truly hope that isn't the last time our families get together. I'm sure it won't be and I can't wait to do it again! I ♥ the Townsends!

Kate said...

Memories, I have a thousand. One of my favorites would be when dad held you up when you were blessed because I had just been baptized. I still remember that you were due to be born on my birthday and I was so excited to have you be born on my day but just like you, you had to have your own day.
How about our memories of Georgia??? What a great time that I will always remember not having to share you with anyone. We had so many memories on that trip, rain, sweating in the car, being woke up at the crack of dawn, Nauvoo, the Coca Cola factory and many more.
Remember we always got to share the bed in the trailer. What a great experience..... Haha
Remember many trips going to Harts for drinks when I could drive. Remember being spoiled by my sweet husband that loves you more than anything.
Remember traditions of shopping with Mike for Christmas for me.
Remember my little choice spirits being born and you loving EVERY minute of it.
My list goes on and on. I am so proud to be your sister and love you always.

Amy Lynn said...

Oh...I LOVE that I got to be your visiting teacher because it gave me the perfect excuse I'd been looking for to come hang out with you! And hang out we did...thanks for letting Tonya and I in every month even though you knew we were going to bring a thousand kids and snuggle down on your couch and never leave! I love looking at your photo albums and hearing about your adventures and wondering if I am ever going to be the cool mom you are! I love your energy and enthusiasm and complete devotion to your family! I love your passion for children and the kind of preschool teacher you are. I love your amazing hair and your smile that lights up a room. I love all the amazing talents you have and the thousands of ways you find to share them. I feel truly blessed by our friendship and by knowing you! I'm so grateful we are friends!!!!

FredEMeyer said...

Hi Kris,

Memories, do you remember 0430 every morning in Georga? How about rain storms in Georga? or the water park there, Tibie island, the world of Coke? Picking you up at the airport, Or the drive accross country with 3 adults, and 3 kids in a Toyota Carola pulling a trailer? I also remember your wedding day and you asked me to take photos for you I think the best pic I ever took was that day the one of you and Terry exchanging rings. Well hopefully this brings back good memories for you as it does for me.


Sally said...

Hey Kris,
There are soooo many memories I can't even list them. I'll put down a few but remember there are so many more. Remember that camping trip we took with Ryan, Jayson and Greg? Nuff said about that...How about the sleepovers we had when we fibbed about where we were staying, Those few months at Snow College, Little Caesars, goin dancin' Aarons ultrasound, going with me to the Dr. (cuz Greg wouldn't) when I found out I was pregnant with Taylor. All the times you've been there for me when I needed you. You are one of "those" people. The ones who leave footprints on someones heart, and they are never the same after. I am a better person for knowing you, love ya Kris