
Monday, February 2, 2009

Bathroom is offically completed!

So we finally finished the bathroom in the basement. Here are the photos of what it looks like now. I just have to say how much you learn about a person over the years. For example when Terry and I had just been married 3 years (which at the time felt like forever) we built a shed in the back of our Eagle Mountain home. To make a long story short Terry got frustrated with something and I wasn't doing what I should and so he threw down his drill and shattered it into about a 100 pieces. Well now when we are working side by side I understand his language and I can hand him the tool he needs or step back and give him some space if it is not working just right. Pretty funny that I can ready his emotions so much better and I know just what he needs. I have to say we didn't have any drills "accidently dropped" during this project. Horay now we get to start working on the next 2 small rooms. Wish us luck. I know pretty corney blog but it is something I want to remember. We started this bathroom on Jan 10th and finished Jan 30th. It was pretty well framed from 2 years ago when we started the basement project.


Deena ♥ Curtis said...

Looks great!! I bet you have a bunch of 3 and 4 year old's just dying to pee all over it... :0) Nice work!!!

Sally said...

Beautiful, good job guys :)

Kate said...

Yeah you finished it. I bet you are so happy. It looks great. Miss ya

Emilee said...

Well it's official. you take pictures of EVERYTHING. I am suprised you didn't take pictures of each one of you using it. It looks great.

Amy Lynn said...

It is so gorgeous...but I have to agree with you really want the preschoolers peeing in it? You should just put on plastic all around the toliet for the next few years! I am amazed at the projects the two of you do! Thanks for sharing!

Unknown said...

So after the hard time we gave you at book group I just had to say your bathroom looks GREAT!