
Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Horses & Me, what is it?

This weekend my dad took some time to saddle his horses and invite his grandkids to come and have a horse moment at the equestrian park. So of course we went over there and had a great time riding the horses around. Getting to know them and getting comfortable on them. They did wonderful as long as they were together. I was on cloud nine just loving everything the dust, smell, sights, my family, sun, everything. We had such a great time that dad invited us back the next day for a 7:00 am session. So the kids set their alarm clocks and off we went. This day didn't go so well. Dad was trying to teach the horses they didn't need each other all the time and they didn't like that at all. Tia got stepped on by Robbie, and Bowdee got bucked off Trigger. Neither of the kids got majorly hurt, but it shook us all up a little, to have the power a horse thrown in our face. So I ask myself what is it that I just love so much about those horses that I would be willing to risk danger to enjoy being around them? I am not sure what it is but I am just so drawn to them I some how feel complete and satisfied when I am around them. It does scare me to have my kids around them when it can be such a risk but isn't everything a risk? I guess we just have to be more carful around them and work those horses more. Thanks Dad for giving my kids that experience, and thanks Terry for supporting us. It teaches them and us alot in life.


Kate said...

My kids also love the danger but experience of horses. Ang has been bucked off of one but it taught her alot about life because dad had her get right back on it. Miss ya tons.

Karrilyn said...

that is so cool I love it when we get to go ride houres with grandpa.
but yes it is scarry to get bucked off the hourse.