
Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Obama Wins!

Today history was made. The United States of America's people voted in the first Black American President. I will be the first to admit, Terry and I both don't follow the political races. I have a really hard time listening to them because I just don't believe any said. I don't believe any of the rumors of the canidates pasts. And I don't believe what they promise. I did vote, however! Then I thought why are you voting for somebody you don't really know. Then I thought does anybody really know who or what they just voted in? I dislike the whole process of lies and trying to outbeat another. But I am grateful to live in a country where I have the option to vote. Congrats to Obama I hope you do many good things for this country. We need a little good right now.


JaNae said...

Very well said :)

Kate said...

Good luck to him!!! I am not sure who we just voted in and I am worried, but I will support whomever our president as long as he really tries to do the best for all of us.