
Tuesday, February 24, 2009

6-6-6 Tag

Tag 6-6-6
I was tagged by Kristy and what you are suppose to do is...

*Go to document setting/my pictures on your computer
*Choose your 6th file
*Choose your 6th picture
*Blog about it
*Tag 6 people

So the true photo is Terry wakeboarding. It is an awesome photo with huge air and nice pose. However, Terry is wearing his famous Speedo. So I spared you all of that beautiful sight and his humiliation and entered the 5th photo which was this one.

Troy and his darling 3 girls. It was taken this summer when we were up AF canyon. We had spent the day fishing, rock climbing, and campfiring. So the girls had obviously had lots of fun and by the time this photo was taken everyone was a little spent. Troy is the best father I know. Well next to my own father and Terry. He loves those girls so much and it shows by the way he takes care of them so well. Since his divorce his life has revolved around these girls. He is an amazing person and wonderful friend I feel lucky to know him and I consider him to be one of my best friends, not just a brother. Thank you Troy for being part of my life. You Rock!

Now I am supose to tag 6 people. But I am tagging anyone who feels like they have the time. Love you guys. This turned out to be a fun one thanks Kristy.


Kristy said...

Great picture...thanks for no speedos shots lol! I agree with you Troy is a great guy...I can only imagine what a great father he's become!

Kristy said...

I just read your comment....There really is no where to country dance out there LOL!! We just made it that way...My cousins wife works with a guy that plays in a band occasionally out there. He played all kinds of stuff. We were over at the Nugget. They are playing out there again on March 21st again....we're gonna go out again and stay the night if you guys feel like crusin out there!

Kate said...

Thanks for sparing us the picture of Terry, that just might be too much.